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Just a few years back, this idea would have seemed absurd ... But in recent years, several new developments have changed that. First, services like Uber have made taxis much cheaper. On top of that, short term car rental, available with Cambio in Brussels for some time, will also be much more accessible and attractive in the coming years with the arrival of companies such as Zip Car and Ubeeqo in Belgium.
Will owning a car soon be a thing of the past? In the future, not only will fewer people own a car, but the cars will drive themselves too. It is very likely scenario ...
Going somewhere by car remains by far the most popular mode of transport - it's door to door and (traffic-permitting, and for longer distances), faster too.
Companies like Uber, Zip Car and Ubeeqo but also Apple and Tesla are now all in the process of rethinking the future of cars in our lives. One in which you wouldn't need to worry about owning, repairing or insuring a car, and probably not drive it either.
In addition to this, others are re-thinking group public transport, from the futuristic traffic-straddling bus in China, about which doubts quickly emerged following its test launch in Hubei, to the Hyperloop in California, which aims to propel capsules in tubes by linear induction motors and air compressors to create a high speed transportation system for its passengers, which has also been dubbed "completely impractical" by experts.
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Read all about it here: Should you replace your car with Uber, car-sharing & autonomous cars?
My Routeplanner is an easy to use driving directions app. You'll also find the latest news about the traffic situation around your home as well as our latest advice on everything that revolves around the world of owning, driving and using cars. Discover Flanders, Wallonia and other countries and places. Use our driving directions to plan your trip. And if you need to travel with a GPS or a good car insurance: no problem! My Routeplanner devotes an entire section to these topics to help you make your choice.